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Alison Schmitzler, MD


location pill

South Portland (100 Foden Road)


Undergraduate Education

Drew University

Medical School

Albert Einstein College of Medicine


Maine Medical Center

I was born and raised in New Jersey and have slowly been making my way further north ever since.


I went to college at Drew University in New Jersey, medical school at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx and completed my pediatric residency at Maine Medical Center.


My husband and I moved to Colorado while he completed his fellowship and I worked as an outpatient pediatrician for several years. We then decided that we just couldn’t stay away from Maine and moved back to finally settle down.


In my free time, I’m probably spending time outdoors with my dog, trying out new recipes in the kitchen or trying to beat my husband at ping pong.


The best part of pediatrics is building relationships with my patients and growing with them. I look forward to caring for my new families!